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Dollar to Yen Converter

Taux interbancaire

1 USD = 157.9265 JPY

Fluctuation (sur 24h)
Graphique (sur 24h)
* taux non contractuel actualisé le 15/01/25 05:21
taux de change USD
taux de change JPY
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0.00 JPY / an
Telexoo exchange rate *

USD/JPY interbank exchange rate

(Last updated on 15/01/2025 05:16)

Ce mois-ci
Depuis le mois dernier

Conversions Dollar Yen Japonais

1 USD 157.93 JPY
5 USD 789.63 JPY
10 USD 1'579.27 JPY
25 USD 3'948.16 JPY
50 USD 7'896.33 JPY
100 USD 15'792.65 JPY
500 USD 78'963.25 JPY
1'000 USD 157'926.50 JPY
5'000 USD 789'632.50 JPY
10'000 USD 1'579'265.00 JPY
50'000 USD 7'896'325.00 JPY

Conversions Yen Japonais Dollar

1 JPY 0.01 USD
5 JPY 0.03 USD
10 JPY 0.06 USD
25 JPY 0.16 USD
50 JPY 0.32 USD
100 JPY 0.63 USD
500 JPY 3.17 USD
1'000 JPY 6.33 USD
5'000 JPY 31.66 USD
10'000 JPY 63.32 USD
50'000 JPY 316.60 USD
convertisseur dollar yen

Dollar to Yen (USD/JPY) converter

Welcome to the world of online currency conversion. With Telexoo, you will never be lost, on the contrary, a star will show you the way to reach the top of the lowest rates. Converting US Dollars into Yen has never been easier than with this Telexxo converter, at the forefront of all projects. Don't be afraid to convert your money any more. Rather, offer it the possibility to emancipate yourself in other currencies.

taux de change temps reel dollar/yen

Real-time exchange rate: dollar/yen.

Telexoo follows the evolution of all currencies. It is on all fronts of the money market: it observes and analyzes in real time, so that it can offer the best rates to its users. Telexoo regularly informs the customers of the site. Every fifteen minutes, a new update is made, as if you yourself were at the heart of international trade.

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How to change your US dollars into yen on Telexoo?

Once you are a member of Telexoo, after a fast, free and secure registration, you will be able to change your money into the currency you want. The Telexoo currency store is so huge that you will be spoilt for choice. You will discover Telexoo's very competitive rates which will allow you to save money from the very first transaction.

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Your international transfers are completely secure.

At Telexoo, everything is safe, even happiness. Your money will be converted at serene rates and you won't have any additional costs, like in an exchange office. At Telexoo, it is not discount exchange, but luminous exchange. Because there is no reason for your money to lose value simply because you decide to convert it into another currency.

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Compare before choosing Telexoo for your currency exchange.

Before choosing, always compare. You will see the obvious strength of Telexoo on the exchange markets. Thanks to it, you will benefit from the best rates, which is quite revolutionary in the world of currency conversion. Entrust your foreign exchange transactions to discover how much Telexoo can do you good.

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Why choose Telexoo for your foreign exchange transactions?

With Telexoo, you can stay at home, in front of your computer screen, tablet or telephone. With a simple click, you have access to all the services in a secure area, where all transactions are fast and transparent. Dare to entrust your values to a site that will transform them in the right direction. With Telexoo, you navigate around the world.

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