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Dollar to Swiss Franc Converter

Taux interbancaire

1 USD = 0.9070 CHF

Fluctuation (sur 24h)
Graphique (sur 24h)
* taux non contractuel actualisé le 21/01/25 05:08
taux de change USD
taux de change CHF
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0.00 CHF / an
Telexoo exchange rate *

USD/CHF interbank exchange rate

(Last updated on 21/01/2025 05:01)

Ce mois-ci
Depuis le mois dernier

Conversions Dollar Franc Suisse

1 USD 0.91 CHF
5 USD 4.54 CHF
10 USD 9.07 CHF
25 USD 22.68 CHF
50 USD 45.35 CHF
100 USD 90.70 CHF
500 USD 453.50 CHF
1'000 USD 907.00 CHF
5'000 USD 4'535.00 CHF
10'000 USD 9'070.00 CHF
50'000 USD 45'350.00 CHF

Conversions Franc Suisse Dollar

1 CHF 1.10 USD
5 CHF 5.51 USD
10 CHF 11.03 USD
25 CHF 27.56 USD
50 CHF 55.13 USD
100 CHF 110.25 USD
500 CHF 551.27 USD
1'000 CHF 1'102.54 USD
5'000 CHF 5'512.68 USD
10'000 CHF 11'025.36 USD
50'000 CHF 55'126.79 USD
convertisseur dollar franc suisse

Dollar Swiss Franc Converter (USD-CHF)

It's not always easy to keep up with constantly changing rates. With an online converter, the time for approximations is over. You know exactly, to the thousandth of a cent, what the conversion value is at the moment, the moment you decide to do it. The equivalence is therefore done in real time, which allows you to save money. Because the converter will offer you the most relevant conversion, whether the exchange markets are falling or rising. As a private individual, you benefit from a true professional tool, with simple operation.

évolution taux de change usd chf

The evolution of the exchange rate

Foreign exchange is always subject to international market fluctuations. That's what makes it so alive, so mobile. However, when you want to change money, it is good to be able to rely on a fair value that will not change during the conversion process. The online converter allows you to secure your foreign exchange transactions thanks to a personalized and confidential interface, allowing you a perfect synthesis of movements in real time.

comment changer ses dollars en chf

How to change dollars into CHF

The operation of the site is very simple. You will first need to log in to access the services of the online converter. You will then choose the currencies you want to exchange and a table will appear to inform you of the value of the rates. All you have to do is transfer the amount you want to convert to an account number that Telexoo will send you, confidentially, and you will receive your money back in the desired currency on your own bank account. Thus your dollars will become Swiss Francs, almost instantly, at an exchange rate that will make you want to do it again.

pourquoi utiliser telexoo

Why use Telexoo ?

Telexoo is made up of a team of people who look after each client. They can also be reached by phone and you will find that the human contact is there. Telexoo's qualities are defined in the quality of its foreign exchange expertise, always with the aim of offering the best rate of the moment. Transparency, security, but also confidentiality, make Telexoo a useful online converter for financial professionals and neophytes alike. Each transaction will be the subject of an official document that you can provide to any administration that requests it. With Telexoo, no need to move. You can manage your transactions with complete peace of mind, in front of your computer or tablet. An invaluable time saving linked to a flawless efficiency.

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